ActionThink!, CEO and Creative Director
Process-based digital communications agency

    Girl's After School Academy
    • Wrote, produced and edited Video PSA

    The John Burton Foundation

    Speaking in Tongues (Patchworks Films)
    Educational documentary about public school immersion language learning

    Crosscurrents, (KALW, San Francisco public radio)
    A daily San Francisco public radio magazine show
    • Pitched, reported, researched, wrote and, voiced over/read, radio news features
    1. Finding Work for Young People
    2. Exhibit Examines the Social Evolution of Mental Health  (includes slideshow)
    • Wrote engaging blog copy for calendar 
    • Experience with Google Docs collaboration tools

    Aim High | Summer Enrichment Program
    Summer enrichment program for at-risk middle schoolers
    • Copywriter and editor for their Key Messages, a template for verbiage in different lengths to express consistent branding, segmented by stakeholders. The Executive Director said that "it changed his perception of the organization."