ActionThink!, CEO and Creative Director
Process-based digital communications agency
Process-based digital communications agency
- Wrote, produced and edited Video PSA
The John Burton Foundation
- Copywriter and editor for a 1,200 word informative fundraising brochure based on research and branding analysis about the plight of youth in, and transitioning out, of the foster care system
Speaking in Tongues (Patchworks Films)
Educational documentary about public school immersion language learning
Crosscurrents, (KALW, San Francisco public radio)
A daily San Francisco public radio magazine show
- Pitched, reported, researched, wrote and, voiced over/read, radio news features
- Finding Work for Young People
- Exhibit Examines the Social Evolution of Mental Health (includes slideshow)
- Wrote engaging blog copy for calendar
- Experience with Google Docs collaboration tools
Aim High | Summer Enrichment Program
- Copywriter and editor for their Key Messages, a template for verbiage in different lengths to express consistent branding, segmented by stakeholders. The Executive Director said that "it changed his perception of the organization."